Avimor FAQ
This is the overarching question SOSEagle is trying to answer. The benefits of annexation presented during Avimor’s summer workshops for City Council were primarily to Avimor, including making their 3-county development approval processes more streamlined.
City Council answers to the question of benefits to current residents have been general and without documentation: more tax revenue, more shoppers for Eagle businesses, mitigations to reduce traffic, etc. The annexation of almost 10,000 homes at buildout is certainly in line with the Mayor’s stated philosophy that Eagle needs to “grow or die.”
The question of the fiscal impact of Eagle extending city services (police/EMS, library, parks) as far as Avimor, including its phases in Boise and Gem Counties, has yet to be answered. The question is made more complex because of overlapping taxing districts that provide services: Ada County Highway District, Eagle Fire District, Ada County EMS.
In May 2021, the City contracted with TischlerBise for a Fiscal Impact Tool Special Run to analyse the fiscal impact of annexing Avimor. The report was presented at a City Council Meeting where no public comment was allowed on November 16. The report showed that overtime the City would run deficits if Avimor is annexed, which is consistent with our expectations. In addition, any roads dedicated to ACHD (like the current Avimor roads in Ada County) will incur maintenance and replacement costs paid for by all Ada County residents.
We think so. There are at least two alternatives for Avimor to consider if the annexation into Eagle does not occur. One is to continue operating as a master planned community in three counties. Another is to incorporate as its own city under the provisions of Idaho Code 50-101. We believe either of those will reduce the need for current Eagle residents to foot the bill for expensive services to that area in the future. Without funding from Eagle City, those expenses may make some of the growth unfeasible for the developer for some time to come. In order to meet state annexation laws, we believe they would need to incorporate first within Boise County.
Annexation is the act of adding an area or region to a state, country, or other legal entity. In Idaho the right to annex land is given to municipalities as described in Idaho Code Title 50 Chapter 222.
Avimor constitutes a Category B subsection (ii) annexation, which requires that more than 50% of the landowners must agree to the annexation. Following the completion of the first approximately 200 homes in Avimor, the purchasing documents were changed to require homeowners to agree in advance to be annexed when such a proposal is put forward. There are now over 800 residences in Avimor, which posits that over 50% of residents have agreed to be annexed by signing their purchasing documents. This could be challenged, but we expect many Avimor residents will favor annexation. Eagle currently has a very low property tax levy rate and city services provided through annexation could reduce Avimor HOA fees.
Avimor partners first approached the City of Eagle to propose annexation some years back. After seeing a fiscal impact analysis that showed a lengthy breakeven period, the mayor and council at that time felt annexation would not be fiscally responsible. The Avimor partners decided to delay submitting an annexation application until Eagle had decision-makers more favorable to annexation, which they now have.
Avimor has continued its development with annexation in mind, including in its presentations to Boise County. During the spring and summer of 2021, Avimor representatives held 3 workshops with the mayor and city council to present their plans and their progress and to answer their questions. A fourth workshop was held on November 16 including presentation of a fiscal impact study contracted by the City that showed the City would run deficits over time and a presentation by Avimor showing a more neutral outcome. The audience was not allowed to ask questions or comment. We have heard that an annexation application will be submitted early in 2022. A Public Hearing would be held at that time.
We appreciate your interest! We are a growing group of volunteers in a 501(c)4 organization. Our expenses include basics such as printing, postage, web presence, and legal guidance. Stay in touch here for the results of our research to date, and share it with friends and neighbors. Go to our Donation Page, to make an online donation, or mail a check to: SOS Eagle, P.O. Box 93, Eagle, Idaho 83616.
There are several reasons for Avimor owners/developers to want to annex into Eagle.
It would resolve quite a few of the challenges involved in developing and operating in three counties. Some other agencies would have to agree to provide services to Avimor in Boise and Gem Counties as well, with Ada County Highway District being a crucial one. Annexation by Eagle might increase the likelihood that they would do so.
Eagle is known as a more “upscale” community that would be advantageous in attracting new residents.
We believe that there are cost advantages to Avimor (and cost liabilities in terms of dollars and services to the current residents of Eagle) if the annexation occurs.
A 2020 analysis of the impact of the Avimor Boise County Development on State Highway 55 corridor identified SH55 / SH44 (State Street) as a high-volume intersection that was already exceeding Idaho Department of Transportation (ITD) standards for capacity on weekday and Friday p.m. Peak Hours.
The same analysis estimated that by 2025, with 360 single- and 240 multi-family housing units, the Avimor Boise County Development will generate 5,152 daily net new trips on SH 55. By 2030, with 1,600 housing units and 70,000 square feet of commercial space, the estimate is 14,801 daily net new trips.
While we believe ITD will enforce its requirements and assign Avimor its appropriate responsibilities to mitigate traffic levels, we believe the resolutions will be high-cost, long and disruptive. Examples include the SH 55 / SH 44 intersection (it is already at full buildout so ITD needs to determine its future configuration and/or alternatives) and the SH 55 corridor (a study is recommended to identify both the need and desire for additional lanes in both directions north of SH 44). Traffic congestion in the area will be a growing problem for the foreseeable future.
Whether or not any part of Avimor is annexed into Eagle, more development in the Eagle area clearly brings more traffic, requiring new roads, additional lanes, more intersections, etc. Ada County Highway District (ACHD) has responsibility for maintaining local and county streets and roads within the county, and we all pay taxes to the District to support those growing costs. The roads in the currently developed parts of Avimor Ada County have been accepted by ACHD, so all taxpayers are paying for their maintenance.
The question is more complex when considering Avimor roads in the Boise County and, eventually Gem County Developments. In public meetings, Avimor representatives expressed a desire to contract with ACHD to maintain all of its roads. There is a very good argument to be made for those roads developed in Avimor in the future to remain private, rather than public, and to be maintained by the Development for its residents. This would alleviate expenses for road maintenance and replacement (and associated timelines) to current Eagle/Ada County residents. However, private road maintenance would be yet one more cost for Avimor residents, in addition to their HOA fees and, for some in the Ada County Development, the taxes for the Avimor Community Infrastructure District. These cumulative costs may work against one of Avimor’s top selling points: a place where everyone can afford to live.